prof.dr. E. Charbon
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: VLSI design; quantum imaging sensors
Edoardo Charbon is a Professor in VLSI Design. He was in the CAS group from 1 Sep 2008 until 1 Jan 2016 when he started a new group on Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA).
He received the Diploma from ETH Z�rich in 1988, the M.S. from UCSD in 1991, and the Ph.D. from UC-Berkeley in 1995, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1995 to 2000, he was with Cadence Design Systems, where he was responsible for analog and mixed-signal design automation tools and the architect of the company�s initiative for electronic IP protection. In 2000, he joined Canesta Inc. as its Chief Architect, leading the development of wireless 3D CMOS image sensors. From November 2002 until August 2008, he has been a member of the Faculty of EPFL, working in the field of CMOS sensors, biophotonics, and ultra low-power wireless embedded systems. He has consulted for numerous organizations, including Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, and the Carlyle Group.
He has published over 150 articles in technical journals and conference proceedings and two books, and he holds thirteen patents. His research interests include high-performance imaging, quantum integrated circuits, and design automation algorithms.
Dr. Charbon has served as Guest Editor of the Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems and the Journal of Solid-State Circuits and is currently the chair of technical committees in ESSCIRC, ICECS, and VLSI-SOC.
Projects history
A Single-Photon, Time-Resolved Image Sensor for Low-Light-Level Vision
The project aims for a CMOS photon-counting image sensor with high timing resolution
Non-Invasive High Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging for Hemodynamics Monitoring and Tumor Detection
Large high-resolution imaging sensor aimed at the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and functional imaging of the brain
Three-Dimensional CMOS Photon Counting for Medical Imaging and Cancer Diagnostics
SPAD technology for TOF-PET applications
Ultra-fast GSDIM super resolution microscopy using a SPAD-array camera
Visualization of nanoscopic cellular structures using nonswitchable standard fluorophores
Pico-second Silicon Photomultiplier-Electronics & Crystal Research
Ultra-fast photon detectors for medical imaging (PET)
Novel multimodal endoscopic probes for simultaneous PET/ultrasound imaging for image-guided interventions
Development of new, higher performance imaging techniques with multimodal capability for endoscopic procedures in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and in surgical oncology.
Fully Networked, Digital Components for Photon-starved Biomedical Imaging Systems
Array of single-photon detectors arranged in a network of tens of dies for application in PET imaging
- Nonuniformity Analysis of a 65-kpixel CMOS SPAD Imager
I.M. Antolovic; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; R. Hoebe; E. Charbon;
IEEE Tr. Electron Devices,
Volume 63, Issue 1, pp. 57-64, January 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2015.2458295
document - Time estimation with multichannel digital silicon photomultipliers
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; T. Gong; D.R. Schaart; E. Charbon;
Physics in Medicine and Biology,
Volume 60, Issue 6, pp. 2435-2452, Mar. 2015. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/60/6/2435
document - A first single-photon avalanche diode fabricated in standard SOI CMOS technology with a full characterization of the device
M.-J. Lee; P. Sun; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 23, Issue 10, pp. 13200-13209, May 2015.
document - A 1 x 400 Backside-Illuminated SPAD Sensor With 49.7 ps Resolution, 30 pJ/Sample TDCs Fabricated in 3D CMOS Technology for Near-Infrared Optical Tomography
J.M. Pavia; M. Scandini; S. Lindner; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 50, Issue 10, pp. 2406-2418, Oct. 2015.
document - CMOS SPAD Based on Photo-Carrier Diffusion Achieving PDP >40% From 440 to 580 nm at 4 V Excess Bias
C. Veerappan; E. Charbon;
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,
Volume 27, Issue 23, pp. 2445-2448, Dec. 2015.
document - High-Performance AD and DA Converters, IC Design in Scaled Technologies, and Time-Domain Signal Processing
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Springer International Publishing, , 2015.
document - Evaluation of Resistance for Chip on Chip Bonding using "AlSi/TiN" bumps with ACP
M. Akiyama; D. Zhang; M.-J. Lee; E. Charbon;
In JSAP Spring Meeting,
Mar. 2015.
I.M. Antolovic; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; R. Hoebe; E. Charbon;
In Focus on Microscopy,
Mar. 2015.
document - Fundamentals of a Scalable Network in SPADnet-based PET Systems
M. Bijwaard; C. Veerappan; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2015.
document - A 67,392 SPAD PVTB-Compensated Multi-Channel Digital SiPM with 432 Column-Parallel 48ps 17-bit TDCs for Endoscopic Time-of-flight PET
A.J. Carimatto; S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; T. Gong; G. Borghi; D. Schaart; E. Charbon;
In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
Feb. 2015.
document - All-Digital Biomedical Imaging
E. Charbon;
In European Solid-State Circuits Conference,
Sept. 2015.
document - Large Format Single-Photon and Multi-Photon Imaging
E. Charbon;
In IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces,
Aug. 2015.
document - SPAD Arrays and Digital SiPMs for All-Digital Imaging
E. Charbon; I.M. Antolovic;
In Single Photon Workshop,
Jul. 2015.
document - A Structure of an Image Sensor Operating at 1 Gfps
V.T.S. Dao; A. Q. Nguyen; K. Shimonomura; Y. Kamakura; N. Minamitani; Chao Zhang; E. Charbon; L. Haspeslagh; P. Goetshhalckx; P. De Moor; T. G. Etoh;
In International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics,
Oct. 2015.
document - 200 MS/s ADC implemented in a FPGA employing TDCs
H. Homulle; F. Regazzoni; E. Charbon;
In International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,
Feb. 2015.
J.W. Krieger; J. Buchholz; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C.S. Garbe; J. Langowski;
In Focus on Microscopy,
Mar. 2015.
document - Characterization of Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes in Standard 140-nm SOI CMOS Technology
M.-J. Lee; P. Sun; E. Charbon;
In International Image Sensor Workshop,
Jun. 2015.
document - Fluorescence lifetime imaging to differentiate bound from unbound ICG-cRGD both in vitro and in vivo
P.L. Stegehuis; M.C. Boonstra; F.E. Powolny; R. Sinisi; H. Homulle; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C.J.H. van de Velde; B.P.F. Lelieveldt; A.L. Vahrmeijer; J. Dijkstra; M. van de Giessen;
Feb. 2015.
document - A Flexible 32x32 SPAD Image Sensor with Integrated Microlenses
P. Sun; E. Charbon; R. Ishihara;
In International Image Sensor Workshop,
Jun. 2015.
document - Practical Time Mark Estimators for Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultipliers
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; T. Gong; D. Schaart; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2015.
document - Designing pixel parallel, localized drivers of a 3D 1Gfps image sensor family
Chao Zhang; V. T. S. Dao; T. G. Etoh; K. Shimonomura; E. Charbon;
In International Image Sensor Workshop,
Jun. 2015.
document - SPADnet: Embedded coincidence in a smart sensor network for PET applications
C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R. K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jatekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. L?rinc;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
Volume 734, Issue Part B, pp. 122-126, Jan. 2014.
document - Architecture and applications of a high resolution gated SPAD image sensor
S. Burri; Y. Maruyama; X. Michalet; F. Regazzoni; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 22, Issue 14, pp. 17573-17589, Jul. 2014.
document - Single-photon imaging in complementary metal oxide semiconductor processes
E. Charbon;
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical, Physical \& Engineering Sciences,
Volume 372, Issue 2012, pp. 1-31, Mar. 2014.
document - A 780 x 800 um^2 Multichannel Digital Silicon Photomultiplier With Column-Parallel Time-to-Digital Converter and Basic Characterization
S. Mandai; V. Jain; E. Charbon;
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 61, Issue 1, pp. 44-52, Feb. 2014.
document - Timing optimization utilizing order statistics and multichannel digital silicon photomultipliers
S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; E. Charbon;
Optics Letters,
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 552-554, Feb. 2014.
document - A 1024 8, 700-ps Time-Gated SPAD Line Sensor for Planetary Surface Exploration With Laser Raman Spectroscopy and LIBS
Y. Maruyama; J. Blacksberg; E. Charbon;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 49, Issue 1, pp. 179-189, Jan. 2014.
document - Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Imagers Applied to Near-Infrared Imaging
J. M. Pavia; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,
Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 3800908, Nov.-Dec. 2014.
document - Measurement and modeling of microlenses fabricated on single-photon avalanche diode arrays for fill factor recovery
J. M. Pavia; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 4202-4213, Feb. 2014.
document - UV-Sensitive Low Dark-Count PureB Single-Photon Avalanche Diode
L. Qi; K. R. C. Mok; M. Aminian; E. Charbon; L. K. Nanver;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 61, Issue 11, pp. 3768-3774, Nov. 2014. - A Flexible Ultrathin-Body Single-Photon Avalanche Diode With Dual-Side Illumination
P. Sun; E. Charbon; R. Ishihara;
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,
Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 3804708, Nov.-Dec. 2014. - A Substrate Isolated CMOS SPAD Enabling Wide Spectral Response and Low Electrical Crosstalk
C. Veerappan; E. Charbon;
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,
Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 3801507, Nov.-Dec. 2014. - A 65k pixel, 150k frames-per-second camera with global gating and micro-lenses suitable for fluorescence lifetime imaging
S. Burri; F. Powolny; C. E. Bruschini; X. Michalet; F. Regazzoni; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 914109, May 2014. - Time-resolved imaging system for fluorescence-guided surgery with lifetime imaging capability
F. Powolny; K. Homicsko; R. Sinisi; Claudio E. Bruschini; E. Grigoriev; H. Homulle; John O. Prior; D. Hanahan; E. Dubikovskaya; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 912938, May 2014. - A 270 Ge-on-Si photodetector array for sensitive infrared imaging
A. Sammak; M. Aminian; L. Qi; E. Charbon; L.K. Nanver;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 914104, May 2014. - SPADnet: a fully digital, scalable and networked photonic component for time-of-flight PET applications
C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R. K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jatekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Lorinc;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 912913, May 2014. - SPADs for Quantum Random Number Generators and beyond
S. Burri; D. Stucki; Y. Maruyama; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; F. Regazzoni;
Feb. 2014. - Large Scale CMOS Single-Photon Detector Arrays for PET Applications
A. Carimatto; E. Charbon;
In Front-End Electronics,
May 2014. - Single-Photon Imagers
E. Charbon;
In OSA Conference on Lasers \& Electro-Optics (CLEO),
June 2014. - Single-Photon Imaging and Digital Silicon Photomultipliers in CMOS
E. Charbon;
Dec. 2014. - Time-of-Flight Approaches to SPAD and SiPM Imaging
E. Charbon;
In iTOF Workshop,
Mar. 2014. - Introduction to Time-of-flight Imaging
E. Charbon;
In IEEE Sensors,
Nov. 2014. - Toward 1Gfps: Evolution of Ultra-high-speed Image Sensors: ISIS, BSI, Multi-Collection Gates, and 3D-stacking
T. G. Etoh; V. T. S. Dao; K. Shimonomura; E. Charbon; C. Zhang; Y. Kamakura; T. Matsuoka;
Dec. 2014. - Linear-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes in Standard CMOS Technology
Myung-Jae Lee; Woo-Young Choi; Edoardo Charbon;
In International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Technology and Application,
Nov. 2014. - Towards CMOS-Compatible Photon-Counting Imagers in the Whole 10 nm - 1600 nm Spectral Range with PureB Si and PureGaB Ge-on-Si Technology
L.K. Nanver; L. Qi; A. Sammak; K. R. C. Mok; M. Aminian; E. Charbon;
Oct. 2014. - A Dual Backside-Illuminated 800-Cell Multi-Channel Digital SiPM with 100 TDCs in 130nm 3D IC Technology
J. Mata Pavia; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2014. - Fabrication of Low Dark-Count PureB Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
L. Qi; K.R.C. Mok; M. Aminian; E. Charbon; L.K. Nanver;
2014. - Fabrication of Pure-GaB Ge-on-Si Photodiodes for Well-Controlled 100-pA-Level Dark Currents
A. Sammak; M. Aminian; L. Qi; W.B de Boer; E. Charbon; L.K Nanver;
In IEEE Electrochemical Society (ECS),
Aug. 2014. - Fabrication of Pure-Gab Ge-on-Si Photodiodes for Well-Controlled 100-Picoampere-Level Dark Currents
A. Sammak; M. Aminian; L. Qi; W. de Boer; E. Charbon; L.K. Nanver;
In Electrochemical Society (ECS),
Oct. 2014. - SPADnet: A Fully Digital, Scalable and Networked Photonic Component for Time-of-Flight PET Applications
C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R. K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jatekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Lorinc;
In Proc. SPIE,
Apr. 2014. - A CMOS Multi-Channel Digital SiPM for Endoscopic PET Application
A. J. Carimatto; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Medical Imaging Conference,
Nov. 2014. - Updates from the SPADnet Project (A Fully Digital, Scalable and Networked Photonic Component for Time-of-Flight PET Applications)
E. Charbon; C. Bruschini; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R.K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jatekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Lorincz;
May 2014. - FPGA Based Fast Gamma-Ray Time Mark Estimator for Ultra-Miniature Endoscopic PET Applications
T. Gong; S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; A.J. Carimatto; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2014. - Distributed Coincidence Detection for Multi-ring based PET Systems
C. Veerappan; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
In Real Time Conference,
May 2014. - SPADnet Network Modeling, Simulation and Emulation
C. Veerappan; E. Venialgo; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
In Real Time Conference,
May 2014. - MD-SiPM PET Detector Module Design
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Nov. 2014. - A 19.6ps, FPGA-Based TDC with Multiple Channels for Open Source Applications
M.W. Fishburn; H. Menninga; E. Charbon;
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science,
Volume 60, Issue 3, pp. 2203-2208, June 2013.
document - A Preliminary Study on the Environmental Dependences of Avalanche Propagation in Silicon
M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
Volume 60, Issue 3, pp. 1028-1033, February 2013.
document - Toward One Giga Frames per Second Ð Evolution of In-Situ Storage Image Sensors
T. G. Etoh; D.V.T. Son; T. Yamada; E. Charbon;
Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 4640-4658, April 2013.
document - The Performance of 2D Array Detectors for Light Sheet based Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
A.P. Singh; J.W. Krieger; J. Buchholz; E. Charbon; J. Langowski; T. Wohland;
OSA Optics Express,
Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 8652-8668, April 2013.
document - Protein-Protein Interactions In Vivo Studied by Single Plane Illumination Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (SPIM-FCS)
A. Pernus; J.W. Krieger; J. Buchholz; A.P. Singh; E. Charbon; T. Wohland; J. Langowski;
Biophysical Journal,
Volume 104, Issue 2, pp. 575a, January 2013.
document - The Tipsy Single Soft Photon Detector and the Trixy Ultrafast Tracking Detector
H. van der Graaf; M.A. Bakker; H.W. Chan; E. Charbon; F. Santagata; P.M. Sarro; D.R. Schaart;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. C01036, January 2013.
document - Programmable Architecture for Quantum Computing
J. Chen; L. Wang; E. Charbon; B. Wang;
Physical Review A,
Volume 88, Issue 2, pp. 22311/1-13, 2013.
document - SPADnet: Embedded Coincidence in a Smart Sensor Network for PET Applications
C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R.K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Lorincz a;
IEEE Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A,
October 2013.
document - A 4 x 4 x 416 digital SiPM array with 192 TDCs for multiple high-resolution timestamp acquisition
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 5, pp. P05024, May 2013.
document - A 3.3-to-25V all-digital charge pump based system with temperature and load compensation for avalanche photodiode cameras with fixed sensitivity
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. P03013, April 2013.
document - EndoTOFPET-US: a novel multimodal tool for endoscopy and positron emission tomography
N. Aubry; E. Auffray; ...; E. Charbon; ...;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. C04002, April 2013.
document - Timing Optimization of a H-Tree based Digital Silicon Photomultiplier
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
IOP Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 8, pp. P09016, September 2013.
document - A 1024?8 700ps Time-Gated SPAD Line Sensor for Laser Raman Spectroscopy and LIBS in Space and Rover-Based Planetary Exploration
Y. Maruyama; J. Blacksberg; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
February 2013.
document - SPADnet: Embedded Coincidence in a Smart Sensor Network for PET Applications
E. Charbon; C. Bruschini; C. Veerappan; D. Stoppa; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L.H.C. Braga; L. Gasparini andR.K. Henderson; R. Walker; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jaekos; E. Lorincz; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Gros d'Ai;
In Proc. PET/MR and SPECT/MR Conference (PSMR),
May 2013.
document - Single-Photon Image Sensors
E. Charbon; F. Regazzoni;
In Proc. Design Automation Conference,
June 2013.
document - UV-Sensitive Low Dark-Count PureB Single-Photon Avalanche Diode
L. Qi; K.R.C. Mok; T.L.M. Scholtes; M Aminian; E. Charbon; L.K. Nanver;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors,
November 2013.
document - Silicon Integrated Electrical Micro-Lens for CMOS SPADs based on Avalanche Propagation Phenomenon
C. Veerappan; Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Monolithic Integration of LEDs and Silicon Photomultipliers in Standard CMOS Technology for Consumer Applications
N. Lodha; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Comparison of Two Cameras based on Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Application with Picosecond Resolution
F. Powolny; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; X. Michalet andF. Regazzoni; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - A Multi-Channel Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Array for Nuclear Medical Imaging Systems based on PET-MRI
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Stabilizing Sensitivity in Large Single-Photon Image Sensors with an Integrated 3.3-to-25V All-Digital Charge Pump
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Towards a High-Speed Quantum Random Number Generator
D. Stucki; S. Burri; E. Charbon; C. Chunnilall andA. Meneghetti; F. Regazzoni;
In Proc. SPIE Conference on Defense and Security,
September 2013.
document - Photon Counting Cameras for LIDARs and Nuclear Medicine andand Molecular Imaging
E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Semiconductor Conference Dresden Grenoble,
September 2013.
document - Large Format Single-Photon Image Sensors in CMOS Technology
E. Charbon; E. Venialgo; S. Mandai;
In Proc. Single Photon Workshop,
October 2013.
document - SPADnet: A Fully Digital, Networked Approach to MRI Compatible PET Systems Based on Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology
E. Charbon; C. Bruschini; C. Veerappan; L.H.C. Braga; N. Massari; M. Perenzoni; L. Gasparini; D. Stoppa; R. Walker; A. Erdogan; R.K. Henderson; S. East; L. Grant; B. Jatekos; F. Ujhelyi; G. Erdei; E. Lorincz;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Energy Estimation Technique Utilizing Timing Information for TOF-PET Application
S. Mandai; E. Venialgo; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Analysis of Timing Resolution of a Digital Silicon Photomultiplier
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Comparison of Digital and Analog Silicon Photomultiplier for Positron Emission Tomography Application
C. Xu; E. Garutti; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - Time Mark Estimators for MD-SiPM and Impact of System Parameters
E. Venialgo; S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,
October 2013.
document - A Geiger Mode APD fabricated in Standard 65nm CMOS Technology
E. Charbon; H.J. Yoon; Y. Maruyama;
In Proc. IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM),
December 2013.
document - A Flexible Ultra-Thin-Body SOI Single-Photon Avalanche Diode
P. Sun; B. Mimoun; E. Charbon; R. Ishihara;
In Proc. IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM),
December 2013.
document - A Time-Resolved, Low-Noise Single-Photon Image Sensor Fabricated in Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology
M. Gersbach; Y. Maruyama; R. Trimananda; M.W. Fishburn; D. Stoppa; J.A. Richardson; R. Walker; R.K.Henderson; E. Charbon;
Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 47, Issue 6, pp. 1394-1407, June 2012.
document - A Wide Spectral Range Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Fabricated in an Advanced 180nm CMOS Technology
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 5849-57, March 2012.
document - Optically-Clocked Instruction Set Extensions for High Efficiency Embedded Processors
C. Favi; T.H. Kluter; C. Mester; E. Charbon;
Transactions on Circuits and Systems,
Volume 59, Issue 3, pp. 604-615, March 2012.
document - A 128-Channel, 8.9ps LSB Column-Parallel Two-Stage TDC Based on Time Difference Amplification for Time-Resolved Imaging
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 59, Issue 5, pp. 2463-2470, October 2012.
document - FPGA implementation of a 32x32 autocorrelator array for analysis of fast image series
J. Buchholz; J. W. Krieger; G. Mocsar; B. Kreith; E. Charbon; G. Vamosi; U. Kebschull; and J. Langowski;
Optics Express,
Volume 20, Issue 16, pp. 17767-17782, July 2012.
document - Fluorescent Magnetic Bead and Cell Differentiation/Counting using a CMOS SPAD Matrix
E. DuPont; M. Gijs; E. Charbon;
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical,
Volume 174, pp. 609-615, July 2012.
document - Distorsions from Multi-Photon Triggering in a Single CMOS SPAD
M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE DSS Single-Photon Imaging,
April 2012.
document - Low Power Time-of-Flight 3D Imager System in Standard CMOS
P. Kumar; E. Charbon; R.B. Staszewski;
In Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference of Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS),
December 2012.
document - Sensor Network Architecture for a Fully Digital and Scalable SPAD based PET System
C. Veerappan; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2012.
document - Statistical Limitations of TDC Density Tests
M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2012.
document - Multi-Channel Digital SiPMs: Concept, Analysis and Implementation
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2012.
document - A Fully-Integrated 780x800um2 Multi-Digital Silicon Photomultiplier With Column-parallel Time-to-Digital Converter
S. Mandai; V.S. Jain; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
September 2012.
document - Maximizing Science Return from a Single On-Surface Mineralogy Tool: Combined Raman, LIBS, and Fluorescence?Spectroscopy
J. Blacksberg; Y. Maruyama; M. Choukroun; E. Charbon; G.R. Rossman;
In Proc. Concepts and Approaches for Mars,
document - New Microscopic Laser-Coupled Spectroscopy Instrument Combining Raman, LIBS, and Fluorescence for Planetary Surface Mineralogy
J. Blacksberg; Y. Maruyama; M. Choukroun; E. Charbon; G.R. Rossman;
In Proc. Lunar & Planetary Science Conference,
March 2012.
document - A time-resolved 128x128 SPAD camera for laser Raman spectroscopy
Y. Maruyama; J. Blacksberg; G.R. Rossman; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE DSS Single-Photon Imaging,
April 2012.
document - Combined Raman and LIBS for Planetary Surface Exploration: Enhanced Science Return Enabled by Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy
J. Blacksberg; Y. Maruyama; M. Choukroun; E. Charbon; G.R. Rossman;
In Proc. NASA International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetaru Missions,
October 2012.
document - A Single-Photon, Deep Sub-Nanosecond Integrated Circuits for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon;
In Proc. ECS,
May 2012.
document - Single-Photon Detection--Evolving CMOS Technology for High-Performance
E. Charbon;
OPN Optics and Photonics News,
pp. 14-15, May 2011.
document - Video-rate fluorescence lifetime imaging camera with CMOS single-photon avalanche diode arrays and high-speed imaging algorithm
D.U. Li; J. Arlt; D. Tyndall; R. Walker; J. Richardson; D. Stoppa; E. Charbon; R.K. Henderson;
Journal of Biomedical Optics,
Volume 16, Issue 9, pp. 096012;1-12, September 2011.
document - Fast Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Arrays for Laser Raman Spectroscopy
J. Blacksberg; Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon; G. Rossman;
Optics Letters,
Volume 36, Issue 18, pp. 3672-3674, September 2011.
document - Optically-Clocked Instruction Set Extensions for High Efficiency Embedded Processors
C. Favi; T.H. Kluter; C. Mester; E. Charbon;
IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems I(to appear),
December 2011.
document - Reduction of Fixed-Position Noise in Position-Sensitive, Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
M.W Fishburn; E. Charbon;
Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 58, Issue 8, pp. 2354-2361, May 2011.
document - An Implementation of a Spike-Response Model with Escape Noise Using an Avalanche Diode
T. Clayton; K. Cameron; B.R. Rae; N. Sabatier; E. Charbon; R.K. Henderson; G. Leng; A. Murray;
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems,
Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 231-243, June 2011.
document - Hybrid Small Animal Imaging System Combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Fluorescence Tomography Using Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors
F. Stucker; C. Baltes; K. Dikaiou; D. Vats; L. Carrara; E. Charbon; J. Ripoll; M. Rudin;
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Volume 30, Issue 6, pp. 1265-73, February 2011.
document - Monolithic Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes: SPADs
E. Charbon; M.W. Fishburn;
In Single-Photon Imaging,
Heidelberg, Springer, September 2011. ISBN 978-3-642-18442-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-18443-7 - A 160x128 Single-Photon Image Sensor with On-Pixel 55ps 10b Time-to-Digital Converter
C. Veerappan; J. Richardson; R. Walker; D.U. Li; M.W. Fishburn; Y. Maruyama; D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; M. Gersbach; R.K. Henderson; E Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference of Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC),
pp. 312-314, February 2011.
document - Who Needs Electrons? (KEYNOTE SPEECH)
E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference on ASIC (ASICON),
October 2011. - Electrons: Do We Really Need Them? (KEYNOTE SPEECH)
E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Workshop on Advances in Sensor Integration (IWASI),
June 2011. - A Fully-integrated, Time-resolved 160x128 SPAD Pixel Array with Micro-concentrators
J. Arlt; F. Borghetti; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; D. Dryden; S. East; M.W. Fishburn; M. Gersbach; G. Giraud; L. Grant; R.K. Henderson; D.U. Li; Y. Maruyama; D. Stoppa; D. Tyndall; C. Veerappan; R. Walker;
In Proc. SPIE Defense and Security,
April 2011. - A CMOS Compatible Ge-on-Si APD Operating in Proportional and Geiger Modes at Infrared Wavelengths
A. Sammak; M. Aminian; L. Qi; W. D. de Boer; E. Charbon; L. K. Nanver;
In Proc. IEEE Intl. Electron Device Meeting (IEDM),
December 2011.
document - A Multi-channel, 10ps Resolution, FPGA-Based TDC with 300MS/s Throughput for Open-Source PET Applications
H. Menninga; C. Favi; M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2011.
document - First Measurement of Scintillation Photon Arrival Statistics Usign a High-Granularity Solid-State Photosensor Enabling Time-Stamping of up to 20,480 Single Photons
J.R. Meijlink; C. Veerappan; S. Seifert; D. Stoppa; R.K. Henderson; E. Charbon; D.R. Schaart;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2011.
document - Environmental Effects on Photomultiplication Propagation in Silicon
M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2011.
document - A Handheld Probe for Beta+-Emitting Radiotracer Detection in Surgery, Biopsy and Medical Diagnostics based on Silicon Photomultipliers
C. Mester; C. Bruschini; P. Magro; N. Demartines; V. Dunet; E. Grigoriev; A. Konoplyannikov; V. Talanov; M. Matter; J.O. Prior; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 2011.
document - Characterization of Large-Scale Non-Uniformities in a 20k TDC/SPAD Array Integrated in a 130nm CMOS Process
C. Veerappan; J. Richardson; R. Walker; D.U. Li; M.W. Fishburn; D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; Y. Maruyama; M. Gersbach; R.K. Henderson; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Electron Device Conference (ESSDERC),
pp. 331-334, September 2011.
document - A 128-Channel, 9ps Column-Parallel Two-Stage TDC Based on Time Difference Amplification for Time-resolved Imaging
S. Mandai; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
pp. 119-122, October 2011.
document - A Compact Probe for Beta+Emitting Radiotracer Detection in Suregery, Biopsy, and Medical Diagnostics based on Silicon Photomultipliers
C. Mester; C. Bruschini; P. Magro; N. Demartines; V. Dunet; E. Grigoriev; A. Konoplyannikov; M. Matter; J.O. Prior; E. Charbon;
In Proc. OSA,
July 2011.
document - A Disdrometer based on Ultra-Fast SPAD Cameras
A. Berthoud; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; A. Berne; E. Charbon;
In Proc. OSA,
July 2011.
document - Ultra Compact and Low-power TDC and TAC Architectures for Highly-Parallel Implementation in Time-Resolved Image Sensors
D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; J. Richardson; R. Walker; R. K. Henderson; M. Gersbach; E. Charbon;
In Proc. International Workshop on ADC Modeling, Testing and Data Converter Analysis and Design (IWADC),
June 2011.
document - 3D Near-Infrared Imaging Based on a Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Array Sensor
J. Mata Pavia; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE EBO,
May 2011.
document - An All-Digital, Time-gated 128x128 SPAD Array for On-chip, Filter-less Fluorescence Detection
Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon;
In Proc. IEEE Transducers,
June 2011.
document - An All-Digital 128x128 CMOS Optical/Electrical Image Sensor
Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM),
June 2011.
document - A Time-Gated 128x128 CMOS SPAD Array for on-Chip Fluorescence Detection
Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
June 2011.
document - A Disdrometer Based on Ultra-fast SPAD Cameras
A. Berthoud; S. Burri; C. Bruschini; A. Berne; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
June 2011.
document - Single-photon Avalanche Diodes in sub-100nm Standard CMOS Technologies
M.A. Karami; H.J. Yoon; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
June 2011.
document - The Gigavision Camera: A 2Mpixel Image Sensor with 0.56um2 1-T Digital Pixels
H.J. Yoon; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
June 2011.
document - 3D Near-infrared Imaging based on a Single-photon Avalanche Diode Array Sensor
J. Mata Pavia; C. Niclass; C. Favi; M. Wolf; E. Charbon;
In Proc. Intl. Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
June 2011.
document - A New Single-photon Avalanche Diode in 90nm Standard CMOS Technology
M.A. Karami; M. Gersbach; H.J. Yoon; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 18, Issue 21, October 2010.
document - New Ethylene Glycaol-Silane monolayer for Highly-specific DNA Detection onto Silicon Chips
S. Carrara; A. Cavallini; Y. Maruyama; E. Charbon; G. De Micheli;
Surface Science Letters,
Volume 604, Issue 23-24, pp. 71-74, October 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.08.025
document - System Trade-Offs in Gamma-Ray Detection Utilizing SPAD Arrays and Scintillators
M.W. Fishburn; E. Charbon;
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science,
Volume 57, Issue 5, October 2010.
document - RTS Noise Characterization in Single Photon Avalanche Diodes
M.A. Karami; E. Charbon;
IEEE Electron Device Letters,
Volume 31, Issue 7, July 2010. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2010.2047234
document - Monolithic Silicon Chip for Immunofluorescence Detection on Single Magnetic Beads
E.P. Dupont; E. Labonne; C. Vandevyver; U. Lehmann; E. Charbon; M.A.M. Gijs;
ACS Analytical Chemistry,
Volume 82, Issue 1, pp. 49-52, January 2010. DOI: 10.1021/ac902241j
document - SPAD Sensors Come of Age
E. Charbon; S. Donati;
Optics and Photonics News (OPN),
Volume 21, pp. 35-41, February 2010.
document - Fluorescence lifetime biosensing with DNA microarrays and a CMOS-SPAD imager
G. Giraud; H. Schulze; Day-Uei Li; T.T. Bachmann; J. Crain; D. Tyndall; J. Richardson; R. Walker; D. Stoppa; E. Charbon; R. Henderson; J. Arlt;
Biomedical Optics Express,
Volume 1, Issue 5, pp. 1302-1308, December 2010.
document - Real-time Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging System with a 32x32 0.13um CMOS Low Dark-count Single-photon Avalanche Diode Array
Day-Uei Li; J. Arlt; J. Richardson; R. Walker; A. Buts; D. Stoppa; E. Charbon; R. Henderson;
Optics Express,
Volume 18, Issue 10, pp. 10257-10269, May 2010.
document - Radiation-Tolerant CMOS Single-Photon Imagers for Multi-Radiation Detection
E. Charbon; L. Carrara; C. Niclass; N. Scheidegger; H. Shea;
In Radiation Effects in Semiconductors: Devices, Circuits, and Systems,
CRC Press, June 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2694-2. - Nano-metric Single-Photon Detector for Biochemical Chips
E. Charbon; Y. Maruyama;
In Nano-Bio-Sensing,
Dordrecht, Springer, November 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4419-6169-3_7. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6169-3_7
document - Single-Photon Imaging in CMOS
E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE Optics+Photonics Single-Photon Imaging,
San Diego (CA), August 2010.
document - High frame-rate TCSPC-FLIM readout system using a SPAD-based image sensor
M. Gersbach; R. Trimananda; Y. Maruyama; M. Fishburn; D. Stoppa; J. Richardson; R. Walker; R.K. Henderson; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE Optics+Photonics Single-Photon Imaging,
San Diego (CA), August 2010.
document - A new Single-Photon Avalanche Diode in 90nm Standard CMOS Technology
M.A. Karami; M. Gersbach; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE Optics+Photonics Single-Photon Imaging,
San Diego (CA), August 2010.
document - Uniformity of Concentration Factor and Back Focal Length in Molded Polymer Microlens Arrays
S. Donati; E. Randone; M. Fathi; J.-H. Lee; E. Charbon; G. Martini;
In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),
document - A Novel Hybrid Imaging System for Simultaneous Fluorescence Molecular Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
F. Stucker; C. Baltes; K. Dikaiou; D. Vats; L. Carrara; E. Charbon; J. Ripoli; M. Rudin;
In Biomedical Optics (BIOMED),
2010. - Virtual Ways: Efficient Coherence for Architecturally Visible Storage in Automatic Instruction Set Extension
S. Burri; T. Kluter; P. Brisk; E. Charbon; P. Ienne;
In Intl. Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC),
January 2010.
document - On Pixel Detection Threshold in the Gigavision Camera
F. Yang; L. Sbaiz; E. Charbon; S. Susstrunk; M. Vetterli;
In IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Meeting,
January 2010.
document - Poisson Distributed Noise Generation for Spiking Neural Applications
K.L. Cameron; T. Clayton; B. Rae; A.F. Murray; R. Henderson; E. Charbon;
In 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010),
Paris (France), June 2010.
document - Single Plane Illumination Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (SPIM-FCS) using a Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) Array
J. Krieger; J. Buchholz; A. Permus; L. Carrara; E. Charbon; L. Langowski;
In 13th International Workshop on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Related Methods,
Singapore, October 2010. - A quantum imager for intensity correlated photons
D.L. Boiko; N.J. Gunther; N. Brauer; M. Sergio; C. Niclass; G.B. Beretta; E. Charbon;
New Journal of Physics,
Volume 11, pp. 1-7, 2009. 1367-2630/09/013001+07.
document - On the Application of a Monolithic Array for Detecting Intensity-Correlated Photons Emitted by Different Source Types
D.L. Boiko; N.J. Gunther; B.N. Benedict; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 17, Issue 17, pp. 15087-15103, August 2009. doi:10.1364/OE.17.015087.
document - A Low-Noise Single-Photon Detector Implemented in a 130 nm CMOS Imaging Process
M. Gersbach; J. Richardson; E. Mazaleyrat; S. Hardillier; C. Niclass; R. Henderson; L. Grant; E. Charbon;
Solid-State Electronics,
Volume 53, Issue 7, pp. 803-808, July 2009. doi:10.1016/j.sse.2009.02.014.
document - Single-Photon Synchronous Detection
C. Niclass; C. Favi; T. Kluter; F. Monnier; E. Charbon;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 44, Issue 7, pp. 1977-1989, July 2009. ISSN: 0018-9200. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2009.2021920
document - Fast-Fluorescence Dynamics in Nonratiometric Calcium Indicators
M. Gersbach; D.L. Boiko; C. Niclass; C. Petersen; E. Charbon;
Optics Letters,
Volume 34, Issue 3, pp. 362-364, February 2009. doi:10.1364/OL.34.000362.
document - MPSoC Design using Application-Specific Architecturally Visible Communication
T. Kluter; P. Brisk; E. Charbon; P. Ienne;
In LNCS--High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HIPEAC),
Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, January 2009. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92990-1
document - Actuation and Detection of Magnetic Microparticles in a Bioanalytical Microsystem with Integrated CMOS Chip
U. Lehmann; M. Sergio; E. P. Dupont; E. Labonne; C. Niclass; E. Charbon; M. A. M. Gijs;
In Nanosystems Design and Technology,
Springer Science+Business Media LLC, July 2009. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0255-9 4
document - A Single Photon Avalanche Diode Array Fabricated in Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology
C. Niclass; M. Sergio; E. Charbon;
In Design Automation and Test in Europe: The Most Influential Papers of 10 years DATE,
March 2009. - Highly Sensitive Arrays of Nano-sized Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes for Industrial and Bio Imaging
E. Charbon;
In Nano-net, 4th International Icst Conference (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering),
Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, October 2009. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04850-0_23
document - The gigavision camera
Luciano Sbaiz; Feng Yang; Edoardo Charbon; Sabine Susstrunk; Martin Vetterli;
Taipei (Taiwan), IEEE, April 2009.
document - Image Reconstruction in the Gigavision Camera
Feng Yang; L. Sbaiz; E. Charbon; S. Susstrunk; Martin Vetterli;
In IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, Ninth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras (OMNIVIS 2009),
Kyoto (Japan), IEEE, pp. 2212-2219, September 2009.
document - Hydromon: The First Built-in On-Line Water Quality Monitoring System in a Public Supply Network
C. Noseda; J. Brand; A. Schnyder; E. Charbon;
In Distribution Systems Symposium (DSS),
Reno (CA), August 2009.
document - A 32x32 50ps Resolution 10 bit Time to Digital Converter Array in 130nm CMOS for Time Correlated Imaging
J. Richardson; R. Walker; L. Grant; D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; E. Charbon; M. Gersbach; R.K. Henderson;
In Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC),
San Jose (CA), IEEE, September 2009. DOI: 10.1109/CICC.2009.5280890
document - A Parallel 32x32 Time-to-Digital Converter Array Fabricated in a 130nm Imaging CMOS Technology
M. Gersbach; Y. Maruyama; E. Labonne; J. Richardson; R. Walker; L. Grant; R. K. Henderson; F. Borghetti; D. Stoppa; E. Charbon;
In IEEE European Solid-State Device Conference (ESSCIRC),
Athens, Greece, IEEE, pp. 196-199, September 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ESSCIRC.2009.5326021
document - A 32x32-Pixel Array with In-Pixel Photon Counting and Arrival Time Measurement in the Analog Domain
D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; J. Richardson; R. Walker; L. Grant; R.K. Henderson; M. Gersbach; E. Charbon;
In IEEE European Solid-State Device Conference (ESSCIRC),
Athens, Greece, IEEE, pp. 204-207, September 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ESSCIRC.2009.5325970
document - Way Stealing: Cache-assisted Automatic Instruction Set Extensions
T. Kluter; P. Brisk; P. Ienne; E. Charbon;
In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference (DAC),
San Francisco (CA), IEEE/ACM, September 2009.
document - A Variable Dynamic Range Single-Photon Imager Designed for Multi-Radiation Tolerance
L. Carrara; M. Fishburn; C. Niclass; N. Scheidegger; H. Shea; E. Charbon;
In World of Photonics Congress: EOS Conf. on Frontiers in Electronic Imaging: Single-photon Imaging,
June 2009.
document - Random Telegraph Signal in Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
M. A. Karami; C. Niclass; E. Charbon;
In International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
Bergen (Norway), June 2009.
document - A 32x32 50ps Resolution 10 bit Time to Digital Converter Array in 130nm CMOS for time Correlated Imaging
J. Richardson; R. Walker; L. Grant; D. Stoppa; F. Borghetti; E. Charbon; M. Gersbach; R.K. Henderson;
In International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW),
Bergen (Norway), June 2009.
document - A 17ps Time-to-digital Converter Implemented in 65nm FPGA Technology
C. Favi; E. Charbon;
February 2009.
document - A Gamma, X-ray and High Energy Proton Radiation-Tolerant CMOS Image Sensor for Space Applications
L. Carrara; C. Niclass; N. Scheidegger; H. Shea; E. Charbon;
In IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
San Francisco (CA), IEEE, February 2009.
document - Ultrafast single-photon image diagnostics sensor with APD arrays for industrial and Bio applications
E. Charbon; S. Donati;
In 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT'09),
Antalya, Turkey, October 2009.
document - A Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Array for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
D.E. Schwartz; E. Charbon; K.L. Shephard;
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits,
Volume 43, Issue 11, pp. 2546-2557, November 2008.
document - A 128x128 Single-Photon Image Sensor with Column-level 10-bit Time-to-Digital Converter Array
C. Niclass; C. Favi; T. Kluter; M.A. Gersbach; E. Charbon;
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits,
Volume 43, Issue 12, pp. 2977-2989, December 2008.
document - CMOS single-photon systems for bioimaging applications
E. Charbon;
In Biophotonics, biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering,
Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-76779-4.
document - A single photon detector implemented in a 130nm CMOS imaging process
M.A. Gershbach; C. Niclass; E. Charbon; J. Richardson; R. Henderson; L. Grant;
In Proc. 38th European solid state device research conference (ESSDERC),
Edinburgh, IEEE, pp. 270-273, September 2008.
document - Single-photon synchronous detection
C. Niclass; C. Favi; T. Kluter; F. Monnier; E. Charbon;
In Proc. 38th European solid state circuits conference (ESSCIRC),
Edinburgh, IEEE, pp. 114-117, September 2008.
document - Speculative DMA for architecturally visible storage in instruction set extensions
T. Kluter; P.H. Brisk; P. Ienne; E. Charbon;
In Proc. int. conf. on hardware-software codesign and system synthesis (CODES+ISSS),
Atlanta, ACM SIGBED, pp. 1-6, 2008.
document - High Speed CMOS Imaging: Four Years Later
E. Charbon;
In Proc. 9th Intl. Conference Solid-State IC Technology (ICSICT),
Beijing, IEEE, pp. 1005-1008, October 2008.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 27 Dec 2018

Edoardo Charbon
Alumnus- Left in 2016
- Now: Professor at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) section of TU Delft EWI
- Personal webpage
- Google Scholar profile
PhD students
- Jiang Gong (ELCA) (2023)
- Bishnu Patra (ELCA) (2021)
- Augusto Ximenes (ELCA) (2019)
- Chao Zhang (2019)
- Harald Homulle (2019)
- Esteban Venialgo (2019)
- Ivan Michel Antolovic (2018)
- Chockalingam Veerappan (2016)
- Yongjia Li (BE) (2015)
- Shingo Mandai (2014)
- Qin Tang (2013)
- Matthew Fishburn (2012)
- Mohammad Karami (2011)