Alumni of SPS

People who retired, graduated, or went on to other groups


prof.dr. Edoardo Charbon


VLSI design; quantum imaging sensors
Left in 2016. Now: Professor at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) section of TU Delft EWI Patrick Dewilde


Circuits and systems
Left in 2008. Now: retired

Parttime Professor

prof.dr. Bastiaan Kleijn

Parttime Professor

Audio and speech processing
Left in 2024.

Visiting Professor

prof.dr. Hakan Delic

Visiting Professor

Wireless communication
Left in 2009. Now: Bogazici University, Istanbul (Turkey)

prof.dr. Tadashi Ebihara

Visiting Professor

Digital communications and signal processing
Left in 2013. Now: University of Tsukuba (Japan)

prof. Brian Jeffs

Visiting Professor

Signal processing for radio astronomy
Left in 2005. Now: Professor at Brigham Young Univ, Utah (USA)

prof.dr. Amir Leshem

Visiting Professor

Signal processing for radio astronomy
Left in 2009. Now: Bar Ilan University (Israel)

prof.dr. Urbashi Mitra

Visiting Professor

Wireless communication
Left in 2010. Now: Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles (USA)

prof.dr. Gerry Tian

Visiting Professor

Signal processing for communication
Left in 2009. Now: Michigan Technological University (USA)

Associate Professor René van Leuken

Associate Professor

High-level VLSI system design
Left in 2021.

Visiting Associate Professor

dr. Jing Han

Visiting Associate Professor

Left in 2016.

dr. Yudong Li

Visiting Associate Professor

CCD sensors for imaging systems
Left in 2016.

dr. Zengfu Wang

Visiting Associate Professor

Path Planning, Discrete Optimization, Sensor Management, Information Fusion
Left in 2021.

Guest Assistant Professor

dr. Hadi Jamali-Rad

Guest Assistant Professor

Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Distributed Optimization, Statistical Signal Processing
Left in 2022. Now: Shell / TU Delft (INSY)

dr. Carolina Varon

Guest Assistant Professor

Machine learning; Biomedical signal processing;
Left in 2022.

Project Manager Michel Berkelaar

Project Manager

electronic design modeling
Left in 2015. Now: GoEuro (Eindhoven)


dr. Tuomas Aittomäki


Radar and array signal processing
Left in 2018.

dr. David Aledo


FPGA, High-Level Synthesis (HLS), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
Left in 2022.

dr. Alon Amar


Array signal processing Now: Rafael (Israel) Dyonisius Dony Ariananda


Compressive power sensing
Left in 2016. Now: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

dr. Rocio Arroyo-Valles


Signal processing for communication, in particular resource allocation optimization.
Left in 2015. Now: Asst. Prof., Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri


Signal processing; Sparse Sampling; Statistical inference.
Left in 2018. Now: Asst.Prof., IISc Bangalore, India

MSc Feiyu Wang


Statistical and Array Signal Processing, Compressed Sensing, Tensor Analysis, Wireless Communications
Left in 2020.

dr. Carlo Galuzzi


Instruction-set architecture customizations, reconfigurable and parallel computing, brain modeling, hardware/software co-design
Left in 2016. Now: Asst. Prof. at University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

dr. Nikolay Gaubitch


Audio signal processing
Left in 2015. Now: Pindrop Security, UK

dr. Guoqiang Zhang


Audio signal processing, machine learning, distributed signal processing
Left in 2017. Zoubir Irahhauten


Wireless channel measurements/modeling
Left in 2010. Now: KPN, The Hague Georg Kail


Statistical signal processing, with applications to signal processing to communication and biomedical signal processing
Left in 2015. Now: Postdoc, TU Vienna, Austria

dr. Ercan Kalali


Low Power Design, Video Coding (H.264, HEVC, VVC), FPGA, High-Level Synthesis (HLS), Approximate Computing
Left in 2022.

dr. Seyran Khademi


Wireless communications, Array processing, Statistical Signal Processing, Audio and Speech Processing, Optimization techniques
Left in 2015. Now: postdoc, TU Delft Andreas Koutrouvelis


Audio processing
Left in 2019. Now: postdoc, TU Delft Sumeet Kumar


Neuromorphic computing, multi-processor architectures, network-on-chip interconnects
Left in 2015. Now: Intel (Netherlands)

dr. Myung-Jae Lee


SPAD image sensors, bio imaging
Left in 2016. Now: Postdoc at the Advanced Quantum Architectures group headed by prof. Charbon

dr. Jerome Louveaux


MIMO channel estimation, DSL
Left in 2005. Now: Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

dr. Neeraj Mandloi


Neuromorphic Sensors/IC Design, Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit Design, Wearable and Wireless Implantable IC Design
Left in 2022.

dr. Yuki Maruyama


Single photon imaging, applications to biomarkers and label-free DNA detection
Left in 2012. Now: JPL, Pasadena (USA)

dr. Mostafa Mohammadkarimi


Wireless communications, statistical signal processing, AI for communications, information theory, and localization & navigation
Left in 2023.

dr. Francesco Regazzoni


Embedded systems
Left in 2013. Now: University of Lugano (Switzerland)

dr. Luca Rugini


wireless communication
Left in 2011. Now: University of Perugia (Italy)

dr. Andrea Simonetto


Distributed convex optimization for control and estimation.
Left in 2016. Now: Université Catholique Louvain, Belgium

dr. Manuel Stein


Low-complexity 1-bit A/D conversion
Left in 2020.

dr. Inayat Ullah


Neuromorphic Computing, Systolic Array, FPGA-based Content-Addressable Memory Architectures, Reconfigurable Computing
Left in 2022. Toon van Waterschoot


Audio signal processing
Left in 2011. Now: KU Leuven (Belgium)

dr. Hyung-June Yoon


Imaging sensors
Left in 2012. Now: EPFL (Switzerland)

PhD student

MSc Bahareh Abdi

PhD student

Biomedical signal processing
Left in 2020. Now: Principal Educator (TU Delft)

MSc Jamal Amini

PhD student

Acoustic signal processing
Left in 2019. Now: Excite, The Netherlands

MSc Ivan Michel Antolovic

PhD student

Left in 2016. Now: PhD student at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) group, headed by Prof. Charbon Albert Jan Boonstra

PhD student

Signal processing for radio astronomy
Left in 2005. Now: ASTRON (The Netherlands)

MSc Augusto Carimatto

PhD student

Left in 2016. Now: PhD student at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) group, headed by Prof. Charbon

MSc Chao Zhang

PhD student

Quantum imaging
Left in 2016. Now: PhD student at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) group, headed by Prof. Charbon

ir. Mario Coutino

PhD student

Array signal processing, Sensor networks, Optimization, Numerical Lineal Algebra
Left in 2020. Now: TNO, The Netherlands Hieu Dang

PhD student

UWB communication, equalization, CDMA
Left in 2008. Now: lecturer at Hanoi University of Technology (Vietnam)

ir. Merel de Leeuw den Bouter

PhD student

MRI image processing
Left in 2022. Now: Associate at SparkOptimus

dr. Relja Djapic

PhD student

Wireless communication, blind source separation
Left in 2006. Now: TNO-ICT (The Netherlands)

MSc Aybüke Erol

PhD student

Biomedical signal processing
Left in 2023.

dr. Kun Fang

PhD student

Underwater communication
Left in 2010. Now: Huawei (Germany)

dr. Matthew Fishburn

PhD student

CMOS Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
Left in 2012. Now: Quanterix (Boston) Patrick Fuchs

PhD student

MRI signal processing
Left in 2020. Now: Postdoc at University College London, UK

dr. Giuseppe Garcea

PhD student

IC design verification
Left in 2005. Now: Intel (Eindhoven) Shahzad Gishkori

PhD student

Signal processing for communication
Left in 2014. Now: postdoc, Imperial College London (UK)

ir. Harald Homulle

PhD student

Electronics for quantum computing
Left in 2016. Now: PhD student at the Advanced Quantum Architectures group headed by prof. Charbon

MSc Elvin Isufi

PhD student

Signal Processing on Graphs
Left in 2018. Now: Postdoc at Penn State, USA

MSc Jiani Liu

PhD student

Underwater communication
Left in 2019. Now: SpeakSee, The Netherlands

dr. Jie Zhang

PhD student

audio signal processing, localization
Left in 2019. Now: Asst. Prof., University of Science and Technology, China

dr. Mohammad Karami

PhD student

CMOS single photon detectors
Left in 2011. Now: Assistant Professor, University (Iran)

MSc Tarik Kazaz

PhD student

Signal processing for communications, Wireless communications and networking, Digital design
Left in 2021. Now: NXP, The Netherlands Sina Maleki

PhD student

Cognitive radio
Left in 2013. Now: postdoc, Univ. Luxembourg

dr. Shingo Mandai

PhD student

Quantum imaging sensors
Left in 2014. Now: Apple (Japan, US)

dr. Christoph Manss

PhD student

Swarm communication
Left in 2024. Now: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

dr. Miao Sun

PhD student

audio signal processing, array signal processing
Left in 2021. Filip Miletic

PhD student

Software agents
Left in 2007. Now: Google

MSc Hanie Moghaddasi

PhD student

Cardiac imaging
Left in 2023. Now: postdoc at University of Oxford, UK

dr. Mu Zhou

PhD student

Signal processing for communication
Left in 2015. Now: ZTE (China) Shahrzad Naghibzadeh

PhD student

Array signal processing
Left in 2018. Now: ASML, The Netherlands

ir. Krishnaprasad Nambur Ramamohan

PhD student

Signal processing algorithms for acoustic vector sensors
Left in 2020. Now: Microflown, The Netherlands

dr. Nicolas Petrochilos

PhD student

Array signal processing and blind beamforming
Left in 2002. Now: WesternGeco (Houston)

dr. Qin Tang

PhD student

Statistical modeling of circuits
Left in 2013. Now: State Key Laboratory of Solid State Lighting (Changzhou)

MSc Aydin Rajabzadeh

PhD student

manufacturing defect detection, fiber Bragg optics
Left in 2020. Now: Optics11 (Netherlands)

dr. Hamid Ramezani

PhD student

Underwater communication
Left in 2015. Now: Holst Centre, Eindhoven

dr. Venkat Roy

PhD student

Sensor network field estimation
Left in 2018. Now: NXP, Eindhoven Millad Sardarabadi

PhD student

Radio astronomy
Left in 2015. Now: Postdoc, RU Groningen

MSc Mohd Adib Sarijari

PhD student

Communication networks
Left in 2016. Now: Asst. Prof., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Eelco Schrik

PhD student

IC substrate modeling
Left in 2006. Now: Strukton Rail (Utrecht)

dr. Zhifeng Sheng

PhD student

EM modeling of ICs
Left in 2010. Now: NXP Semiconductors (Nijmegen)

dr. Thomas Sherson

PhD student

audio signal processing
Left in 2019. Now: Neural DSP Technologies

dr. Claude Simon

PhD student

Signal processing for communication.
Left in 2011. Now: Entrepreneur (Luxembourg) Cees Taal

PhD student

Left in 2012. Now: SKF

dr. Tao Xu

PhD student

Equalization algorithms for wireless communication systems
Left in 2013. Now: NUDT (China) Pim van der Meulen

PhD student

Ultrasound imaging
Left in 2020. Now: Fugro, The Netherlands Bas van der Tol

PhD student

Radio astronomy signal processing
Left in 2009. Now: ASTRON (Dwingeloo)

ir. Jeroen van Gemert

PhD student

MRI imaging technology
Left in 2019. Now: Philips Medical, Netherlands

dr. Steven van Kuyk

PhD student

Left in 2019. Chockalingam Veerappan

PhD student

Quantum imaging sensors
Left in 2015. Now: Dialog semiconductor

MSc Esteban Venialgo

PhD student

Quantum imaging sensors
Left in 2016. Now: PhD student at the Advanced Quantum Architectures (AQUA) group, headed by Prof. Charbon

dr. Vijay Venkateswaran

PhD student

Signal processing for communication
Left in 2010. Now: Bell Labs (Ireland) Stefan Wijnholds

PhD student

Signal processing for radio astronomy.
Left in 2010. Now: ASTRON (Dwingeloo)

dr. Yiyin Wang

PhD student

Signal processing for communication
Left in 2011. Now: Georgia Tech (Atlanta) Yongchang Hu

PhD student

Signal processing for communication; wireless localization
Left in 2017.

MSc Wangyang Yu

PhD student

audio signal processing
Left in 2021.

dr. Yu Bi

PhD student

VLSI design verification
Left in 2012. Now: Hisilicon (China)

dr. Yuan Zeng

PhD student

Audio signal processing: speech enhancement. Zijian Tang

PhD student

Wireless transmission over time-varying channels
Left in 2007. Now: Shell (The Netherlands)

ir. Jörn Zimmerling

PhD student

Wavefield modeling, imaging, and inversion
Left in 2018. Now: postdoc, University of Michigan (USA)


MSc Fernando Gama


Graph signal processing
Left in 2017.

MSc Vishwas Jain


Left in 2013. Now: Riscure (The Netherlands)

Isabell Lehmann


Data fusion of functional ultrasound data
Left in 2027.

MSc Darek Maksimiuk


Left in 2020.

MSc Ehsan Tohidi


Compressed sensing
Left in 2017.

MSc Yujie Wang


underwater communcations
Left in 2024.

Management assistant

Minaksie Ramsoekh

Management assistant

Left in 2018.

Irma Zomerdijk

Management assistant

Left in 2022.


ing. Simon de Graaf


Programming in C.
Left in 2018.

ing. Huib Lincklaen Arriëns


High-level VLSI design
Left in 2011. Now: retired

System Administrator

ing. Wim Tiwon

System Administrator

Developer/Diagnostic/Analytical skills in: Operating systems in general and specifically in Linux and MacOS, Embedded Linux systems, Computer Networks, Computer/network Security