dr. A. Simonetto
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Distributed convex optimization for control and estimation.
Themes: Signal processing for communicationBiography
Dr. Andrea Simonetto received the M.Sc. degree in space engineering (cum laude) from both Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in systems and control from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2012. For his Ph.D. work, he was awarded the DISC Ph.D. Thesis award 2012.
He was a Visiting Researcher with the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA and with KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Circuits and Systems Group, with Prof. Geert Leus, working on distributed sensor networks in the D2S2 project, until April 2016. He is currently a postdoc with UC Louvain, Belgium
His current research interests include distributed estimation, control, and optimization with applications in sensor networks and mobile robotics.
Projects history
Dependable Distributed Sensing Systems
The D2S2 project aims at developing an algorithmic framework for operating large-scale distributed sensor systems.
- Time-Varying Convex Optimization: Time-Structured Algorithms and Applications
A. Simonetto; E. Dall'Anese; S. Paternain; G. Leus; G.B. Giannakis;
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Volume 108, Issue 11, pp. 2032-2048, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2020.3003156
document - Spatio-temporal field estimation using Kriged Kalman Filter (KKF) with sparsity-enforcing sensor placement
V. Roy; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
Volume 8, Issue 6, 2018. DOI: 10.3390/s18061778
document - Autoregressive Moving Average Graph Filtering
E. Isufi; A. Loukas; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,
Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 274-288, January 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2614793
document - Consistent sensor, relay, and link selection in wireless sensor networks
R. Arroyo-Valles; A. Simonetto; G.J.T. Leus;
Signal Processing,
Volume 140, pp. 32-44, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2017.04.020
document - Filtering Random Graph Processes Over Random Time-Varying Graphs
E. Isufi; A. Loukas; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Volume 65, Issue 16, pp. 4406-4421, August 2017. ISSN: 1053-587X. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2017.2706186
document - Decentralized Prediction-Correction Methods for Networked Time-Varying Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; A. Koppel; A. Mokhtari; G. Leus; A. Ribeiro;
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Volume 62, Issue 11, pp. 5724-5738, November 2017. ISSN: 0018-9286. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2017.2694611
document - Spatio-temporal sensor management for environmental field estimation
V. Roy; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
Signal Processing,
Volume 128, pp. 369-381, November 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2016.05.011
document - A Class of Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; A. Mokhtari; Alec Koppel; G. Leus; A. Ribeiro;
IEEE Tr. Signal Proc.,
Volume 64, Issue 17, pp. 4576-4591, September 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2568161
document - Primal Recovery from Consensus-Based Dual Decomposition for Distributed Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; H. Jamali-Rad;
J. Optim. Theory Appl.,
Volume 168, pp. 172-197, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-015-0758-0
document - A Quasi-Newton Prediction-Correction Method for Decentralized Dynamic Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; A. Koppel; A. Mokhtari; A. Ribeiro; G. Leus;
In European Control Conference,
Aalborg, Denmark, June 2016. - Separable Autoregressive Moving Average Graph-Temporal Filters
E. Isufi; A. Loukas; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
Budapest (Hungary), August 2016.
document - Distributed Autoregressive Moving Average Graph Filters
A. Loukas; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
IEEE Signal Proc. Letters,
Volume 22, Issue 11, pp. 1931-1935, November 2015. DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2015.2448655
document - Distributed Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection
H. Jamali-Rad; A. Simonetto; Xiaoli Ma; G. Leus;
IEEE Tr. Signal Proc.,
Volume 63, Issue 22, pp. 5951--5964, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2015.2460224
document - Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; A. Koppel; A. Mokhtari; G. Leus; A. Ribeiro;
In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
November 2015.
document - Target Tracking with Dynamic Convex Optimization
A. Koppel; A. Simonetto; A. Mokhtari; G. Leus; A. Ribeiro;
In Proc. of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP 2015),
Orlando, Florida, December 2015. - On Non-differentiable Time-varying Optimization
A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2015),
Cancun, Mexico, December 2015. - A Decentralized Prediction-Correction Method for Networked Time-Varying Convex Optimization
A. Simonetto; A. Mokhtari; A. Koppel; G. Leus; A. Ribeiro;
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2015),
Cancun, Mexico, December 2015. - Stochastic Signal Processing on Time-Varying Graphs
E. Isufi; A. Simonetto; A. Loukas; G. Leus;
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2015),
Cancun, Mexico, December 2015.
Extended version - Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection: Centralized and Distributed Algorithms
H. Jamali-Rad; A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 217-220, February 2014.
document - Distributed maximum likelihood sensor network localization
A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Volume 62, Issue 6, pp. 1424–1437, March 2014.
document - Distributed asynchronous time-varying constrained optimization
A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
In Asilomar Conf. Signals, systems, and Computers (Asilomar 2014),
Pacific Grove, California, USA, IEEE, November 2014. - Sparsity-aware sensor selection for correlated noise
H. Jamali-Rad; A. Simonetto; G. Leus; Xiaoli Ma;
In Int. Conf. Information Fusion (Fusion 2014),
Salamanca, Spain, July 2014.
document - A Moving Horizon Convex Relaxation for Mobile Sensor Network Localization
A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
In Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM),
A Coruna (Spain), IEEE, pp. 25-28, June 2014.
document - Double Smoothing for Time-Varying Distributed Multi-user Optimization
A. Simonetto; G. Leus;
In Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing,
Atlanta (GA), IEEE, December 2014.
document - Constrained Distributed Algebraic Connectivity Maximization in Robotic Networks
A. Simonetto; T. Keviczky; R. Babuska;
Volume 49, Issue 5, pp. 1348-1357, May 2013.
document - Distributed Computation Particle Filters on GPU-architectures for Real-time Control Applications
M. Chitchian; A. Simonetto; A.S. van Amesfoort; T. Keviczky;
IEEE Tr. Contr. Syst. Technology,
Volume 21, Issue 6, pp. 2224-2238, November 2013.
document - Tracking Position and Orientation of a Mobile Rigid Body
S.P. Chepuri; A. Simonetto; G.J.T. Leus; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proc. 5th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2013),
St. Maarten (Dutch Antilles), December 2013.
document - Adapting Particle Filter Algorithms to Many-Core Architectures
M. Chitchian; A.S. van Amesfoort; A. Simonetto; T. Keviczky; H.J. Sips;
In Proc. 27th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS),
Boston, MA (US), May 2013.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 7 Feb 2019

Andrea Simonetto
Alumnus- Left in 2016
- Now: Université Catholique Louvain, Belgium
- Personal webpage
- Google Scholar profile