dr. F. Regazzoni
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Embedded systems
Themes: Quantum imaging sensorsBiography
Francesco was a postdoc with Edoardo Charbon in 2012-2013.
He did his master at Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) and his PhD at ALaRI Institute of University of Lugano (Lugano, Switzerland). His research activities are mainly focused on embedded systems. In particular he is interested in security (especially side channel attacks), EDA, operating systems and hardware/software codesign.
During his PhD, he has been collaborating with NEC Labs America (Princeton, NJ, USA), where he has been visiting researcher for fifteen months. Additionally, he has been visiting researcher for six months at COmmunication Security (COSY) of Horst Gortz Institute for IT Security at Ruhr University of Bochum (Bochum, Germany), and visiting researcher for five months at the Laboratoire d'architecture de processeurs at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) under a collaboration grant of European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation. After this he was a Postdoctoral researcher at the Crypto Group of the Universit? catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) and at ALaRI Institute of University of Lugano (Lugano, Switzerland).
Projects history
Fully Networked, Digital Components for Photon-starved Biomedical Imaging Systems
Array of single-photon detectors arranged in a network of tens of dies for application in PET imaging
- 200 MS/s ADC implemented in a FPGA employing TDCs
H. Homulle; F. Regazzoni; E. Charbon;
In International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,
Feb. 2015.
document - Architecture and applications of a high resolution gated SPAD image sensor
S. Burri; Y. Maruyama; X. Michalet; F. Regazzoni; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon;
Optics Express,
Volume 22, Issue 14, pp. 17573-17589, Jul. 2014.
document - A 65k pixel, 150k frames-per-second camera with global gating and micro-lenses suitable for fluorescence lifetime imaging
S. Burri; F. Powolny; C. E. Bruschini; X. Michalet; F. Regazzoni; E. Charbon;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 914109, May 2014. - SPADs for Quantum Random Number Generators and beyond
S. Burri; D. Stucki; Y. Maruyama; C. Bruschini; E. Charbon; F. Regazzoni;
Feb. 2014. - Single-Photon Image Sensors
E. Charbon; F. Regazzoni;
In Proc. Design Automation Conference,
June 2013.
document - Jailbreak Imagers: Transforming a Single-Photon Image Sensor into a True Random Number Generator
S. Burri; D. Stucky; Y. Maruyama; C. Bruschini andE. Charbon; F. regazzoni;
In Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop,
June 2013.
document - Towards a High-Speed Quantum Random Number Generator
D. Stucki; S. Burri; E. Charbon; C. Chunnilall andA. Meneghetti; F. Regazzoni;
In Proc. SPIE Conference on Defense and Security,
September 2013.
BibTeX support
Last updated: 17 Jun 2014

Francesco Regazzoni
Alumnus- Left in 2013
- Now: University of Lugano (Switzerland)