prof.dr. W.B. Kleijn

Parttime Professor
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: Audio and speech processing

Themes: Audio and acoustic signal processing


Bastiaan Kleijn was a part-time professor at TU Delft from 2011 till 2024. He is also Professor of Electronics at Victoria University of Wellington and lives most of the year in New Zealand. Until 2010 he was Head of the Sound and Image Processing Laboratory at KTH - the Royal Institute of Technology - in Stockholm.

He was a founder, Chairman, and later Chief Scientist of Global IP Solutions, a company that developed audio and video processing technologies for communication over the Internet before being acquired by Google in 2010.

Before moving to Sweden in 1996, Kleijn worked in the Research Division at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, mostly in the area of speech processing. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology (cum laude), an MSEE from Stanford and also a Ph.D. in Soil Science and an MS in Physics from the University of California. He is an IEEE Fellow.

Projects history

Distributed Processing of Audio Signals

Industry-sponsored project that aims to develop new distributed processing approaches and new computational methods for determining the acoustic room response.

Speech intelligibility enhancement

Joint near-end and far-end intelligibility enhancement

Software, Jan 2017

Optimal energy redistribution for speech enhancement

Software, Feb 2015

Speech intelligibility prediction

SIIB - Speech intelligibility in bits

Software, Jan 2018

  1. On the Distributed Method of Multipliers for Separable Convex Optimization Problems
    T. Sherson; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks,
    March 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TSIPN.2019.2901649

  2. An Instrumental Intelligibility Metric Based on Information Theory
    S. Van Kuyk; W. B. Kleijn; R. C. Hendriks;
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
    Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 115-119, January 2018. ISSN: 1070-9908. DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2017.2774250
    A Matlab implementation can be downloaded here

  3. An Evaluation of Intrusive Instrumental Intelligibility Metrics
    Steven Van Kuyk; W. Bastiaan Kleijn; Richard C. Hendriks;
    IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
    Volume 26, Issue 11, pp. 2153-2166, November 2018. ISSN: 2329-9290. DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2018.2856374

  4. Derivation and analysis of the primal-dual method of multipliers based on monotone operator theory
    T.W. Sherson; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks,
    October 2018.

  5. Sound processing node of an arrangement of sound processing nodes
    Yue Lang; Wenyu Jin; T. Sherson; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    Patent, US, EP, CN, WO US20180270573A1, EP331159, March 2018. Assignee: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.

  6. Intelligibility Enhancement Based on Mutual Information
    S. Khademi; R.C. Hendriks; W.B. Kleijn;
    IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Process.,
    Volume 25, Issue 8, pp. 1694-1708, August 2017. ISSN 2329-9290. DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2017.2714424

  7. On the information rate of speech communication
    S. Van Kuyk; W.B. Kleijn; R.C. Hendriks;
    In Int. Conf. Audio Speech Signal Proc. (ICASSP),
    New Orleans (USA), IEEE, pp. 5625-5629, March 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953233

  8. Distributed beamforming based on message passing
    Heusdens, R.; Guoqiang Zhang; Hendriks, R.; Yang Zeng; Kleijn, W.B.;
    Patent, US US9584909 B2, February 2017. Assignee: Google Inc..

  9. Jointly optimal near-end and far-end multi-microphone speech intelligibility enhancement based on mutual information
    S. Khademi; R. C. Hendriks; W. B. Kleijn;
    In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Proc. (ICASSP),
    Shanghai, China, March 2016.

  10. A distributed algorithm for robust LCMV beamforming
    T. Sherson; W.B. Kleijn; R. Heusdens;
    In IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
    Shanghai (China), IEEE, March 2016.

  11. On the duality of globally constrained separable problems and its application to distributed signal processing
    T. Sherson; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    Budapest (Hungary), August 2016.

  12. An intelligibility metric based on a simple model of speech communication
    S. van Kuyk; W. B. Kleijn; R. C. Hendriks;
    In International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC),
    2016. (Best student paper award).

  13. Microphone autolocalization using moving acoustic source
    Gaubitch, N.D.; Kleijn, W.B.; Heusdens, R.;
    Patent, US US9488716 B2, November 2016. Assignee: Google Inc..

  14. A Simple Model of Speech Communication and its Application to Intelligibility Enhancement
    W.B. Kleijn; R.C. Hendriks;
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
    Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 303-307, February 2015. DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2014.2351784

  15. Optimizing Speech Intelligibility in a Noisy Environment: A unified view
    W.B. Kleijn; J.B. Crespo; R.C. Hendriks; P. Petkov; B. Sauert; P. Vary;
    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
    Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 43-54, March 2015. DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2014.2365594 Additional material: software

  16. Fast Sound Field Reproduction in Box-Shaped Rooms: Rigid Walls Case
    J. Martinez.; G. Leus; W.B. Kleijn;
    In Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015),
    Nice, France, August 2015.

  17. A robust region-based near-field beamformer
    J. Martinez; N. Gaubitch; W.B. Kleijn;
    In Proc. of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2015),
    Brisbane, Australia, IEEE, April 2015.

  18. Self-localization for a set of microphones
    W.B. Kleijn; N.D. Gaubitch; R. Heusdens;
    U.S. patent No. 9,086,475, July 2015.

  19. Self-localization for a set of microphones
    W.B. Kleijn; N.D. Gaubitch; R. Heusdens;
    Patent, U.S. patent No. 9,086,475, 2015.

  20. On the Convergence Rate of the Bi-Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
    Guoqiang Zhang; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Proc. (ICASSP 2014),
    Florence (Italy), IEEE, May 2014.

  21. Calibration of distributed sound acquisition systems using TOA measurements from a moving acoustic source
    N.D. Gaubitch; W.B. Kleijn; R. Heusdens;
    In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Proc. (ICASSP 2014),
    Florence (Italy), IEEE, May 2014.

  22. Large Scale LP Decoding with Low Complexity
    Guoqiang Zhang; R. Heusdens; W.B. Kleijn;
    IEEE Communications letters,
    Volume 17, Issue 11, pp. 2152-2155, 2013.

  23. Optimal Index Assignment for Multiple Description Scalar Quantization with Translated Lattice Codebooks
    Guoqiang Zhang; Janusz Klejsa; W. Bastiaan Kleijn;
    IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,

  24. Distributed MVDR Beamforming for (Wireless) Microphone Networks using Message Passing
    Richard Heusdens; Guoqiang Zhang; Richard C. Hendriks; Yuan Zeng; W. Bastiaan Kleijn;
    In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC),
    September 2012.

  25. Entropy-Constrained High-Resolution Lattice Vector Quantization Using a Perceptually Relevant Distortion Measure
    Richard Heusdens; W. Bastiaan Kleijn; A. Ozerov;
    In Proc. Asilomar,
    IEEE, November 2007.

  26. Method and Apparatus for Audio Coding using Transient Relocation
    R. Vafin; R Heusdens; S. van der Par; W.B. Kleijn;
    Patent, US20013052, 2006.

  27. Sinusoidal Model Based Coding of Audio Signals
    R. Heusdens; R. Vafin; W.B. Kleijn;
    Patent, US2002169345A, 2006.

  28. LPC Quantization using Wavelet Based Temporal Decomposition of LSF
    A.N. Lemma; W.B. Kleijn; E.F. Deprettere;
    In Proc. Eurospeech 97,
    Rodos, Greece, pp. 1259-1262, September 1997.

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Last updated: 21 May 2024