dr.ir. S.J. Wijnholds
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics
PhD thesis (Mar 2010): Fish-Eye Observing with Phased Array Radio Telescopes
Promotor: Alle-Jan van der Veen
Expertise: Signal processing for radio astronomy.
Themes: Signal processing for communicationBiography
Stefan J. Wijnholds was born in Groningen, The Netherlands, in 1978. In 2003, he received the M.Eng. degree in Applied Physics (cum laude) for a study on a measurement technique to evaluate the optics of the Heterodyne Instrument for Far Infrared (HIFI) of the Herschel Space Observatory at sub-millimeter wavelengths with the Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON) in Groningen. In the same year, he also received the M.Sc. degree in Astronomy (cum laude) for a study on the integration and evaluation of a phased array antenna system for radio astronomy with the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.
After his graduation, he joined to R&D department of ASTRON, where he works with the system design and integration group on the development of the next generation of radio telescopes. He has been involved in integration and testing of all LOFAR (prototype) stations deployed since 2003 with a focus on station calibration and system characterization. Since 2006, he has also been affiliated with the Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands, where he received the Ph.D. degree (cum laude) in 2010 after defending his thesis on "Fish-Eye Observing with Phased Array Radio Telescopes".
His research lie in the area of array signal processing, specifically calibration and imaging.
- Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy
A.J. van der Veen; S.J. Wijnholds; A.M. Sardarabadi;
In Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, 3rd ed.,
Springer, November 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-91734-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91734-4
Springer site - Signal Processing Challenges for Radio Astronomical Arrays
S.J. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen; F. De Stefani; E. La Rosa; A. Farina;
In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Proc. (ICASSP 2014),
Florence (Italy), IEEE, pp. 5382-5386, May 2014. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854631
document - Signal Processing Tools for Radio Astronomy
A.J. van der Veen; S.J. Wijnholds;
In Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, 2nd ed.,
Springer, May 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4614-6858-5 (Print); 978-1-4614-6859-2 (Online).
See http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-1-4614-6858-5 - Factor Analysis as a Tool for Signal Processing
S.J. Wijnholds; A.M. Sardarabadi; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proceedings of the International BASP Frontiers Workshop 2013,
Villars-sur-Ollon (Switzerland), pp. 51, January 2013.
document - Data driven model based least squares image reconstruction for radio astronomy
S.J. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen;
Prague (Czech Republic), IEEE, pp. 2704-2707, May 2011.
document - Calibration Challenges for the Next Generation of Radio Telescopes
S.J. Wijnholds; S. van der Tol; R. Nijboer; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 32-42, January 2010.
document - Fish-eye observing with Phased Array Radio Telescopes
S.J. Wijnholds;
PhD thesis, TU Delft, Dept. EEMCS, March 2010. ISBN 978-90-9025180-6. Cum Laude.
document - Multisource self-calibration for sensor arrays
S.J. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE Tr. Signal Processing,
Volume 57, Issue 9, pp. 3512-3522, September 2009.
document - Self-calibration of radio astronomical arrays with non-diagonal noise covariance matrix
S.J. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen;
In Proc. 17th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2009),
Glasgow (UK), Eurasip, pp. 1146-1150, August 2009.
document - Fundamental imaging limits of radio telescope arrays
S. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Signal Processing,
Volume 2, Issue 5, pp. 613-623, October 2008. ISSN 1932-4553.
document - Effects of Parametric Constraints on the CRLB in Gain and Phase Estimation Problems
S.J. Wijnholds; A.J. van der Veen;
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Volume 13, Issue 10, pp. 620-623, October 2006.
document - CRB analysis of the impact of unknown noise on phased array calibration
S. van der Tol; S. Wijnholds;
In Proc. IEEE workshop on Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM),
Waltham, MA (USA), IEEE, pp. 185-189, July 2006.
document - Calibration, sensitivity and RFI mitigation requirements for LOFAR
A.J. Boonstra; S.J. Wijnholds; S. van der Tol; B. Jeffs;
Philadelphia (PA), IEEE, pp. V-869-872, March 2005.
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Last updated: 13 Jul 2014

Stefan Wijnholds
Alumnus- Left in 2010
- Now: ASTRON (Dwingeloo)
- Personal webpage