

dr. Chen Quan


Statistical signal processing, human-machine collaborative networks

PhD student

MSc António Barros

PhD student

Radio positioning, wireless time transfer

MSc Giovanni Bologni

PhD student

Audio signal processing

ir. Metin Çalış

PhD student

Signal processing in distributed networks; audio signal processing

MSc Rupam Chakraborty

PhD student

automotive radar sensing

MSc Changheng Li

PhD student

Statistical analysis, 1-bit sampling, massive MIMO

ir. Seline de Rooij

PhD student

Tensor-based machine learning for epileptic seizure prediction and detection

ir. Jordi de Vries

PhD student

audio signal processing

MSc Didem Doğan Başkaya

PhD student

Ultrasound imaging

MSc Aybüke Erol

PhD student

Biomedical signal processing

MSc Amir Ghorbani Ghezeljehmeidan

PhD student

MSc Yanbin He

PhD student

Machine learning

ir. Costas Kokke

PhD student

Radar signal processing

ir. Sofia Kotti

PhD student

Array processing for radar and wireless acoustic sensors

MSc Cristian Meo

PhD student

Machine learning

ir. Anurodh Mishra

PhD student

Dynamics and control systems; autonomous system, machine learning and UAV

MSc Alberto Natali

PhD student

Graph-based Signal Processing, Learning over Graphs, Optimization

ir. Ellen Riemens

PhD student

MSc Shuoyan Zhao

PhD student

MSc Sinian Li

PhD student

AI-based failure detection/prediction

ir. Ids van der Werf

PhD student

audio signal processing; underwater communication

ir. Ilja Venema

PhD student

cochlear implants

ir. Ruben Wijnands

PhD student

Brain activity monitoring, functional ultrasound

MSc Yanbo Wang

PhD student

Machine learning

MSc Yujie Wang

PhD student

underwater communcations

MSc Peiyuan Zhai

PhD student

Radar signal processing for next generation vehicular networks

MSc Zhonggang Li

PhD student

Guest Jac Romme


Signal processing for communication, sensor networks