MSc Y. He

PhD student
Signal Processing Systems (SPS), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: Machine learning

Themes: Signal processing for communication


Yanbin He is a PhD student at SPS, starting in March 2022 and working with Geethu Joseph. Before, he obtained his MSc EE degree from SPS (CAS).


  1. On the Restricted Isometry Property of Kronecker-structured Matrices
    Yanbin He; Geethu Joseph;
    In ICASSP,

  2. Kronecker-structured Sparse Vector Recovery with Application to IRS-MIMO Channel Estimation
    Yanbin He; Geethu Joseph;
    In ICASSP,

  3. Bayesian Algorithms for Kronecker-structured Sparse Vector Recovery With Application to IRS-MIMO Channel Estimation
    Yanbin He; Geethu Joseph;
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,

  4. Structure-aware Sparse Bayesian Learning-based Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-aided MIMO
    Yanbin He; Geethu Joseph;
    In ICASSP,

  5. Applications and Potentials of Intelligent Swarms for magnetospheric studies
    Raj Thilak Rajan; Shoshana Ben-Maor; Shaziana Kaderali; Calum Turner; Mohammed Milhim; Catrina Melograna; Dawn Haken; Gary Paul; Vedant; V. Sreekumar; Johannes Weppler; Yosephine Gumulya; Riccardo Bunt; Asia Bulgarini; Maurice Marnat; Kadri Bussov; Frederick Pringle; Jusha Ma; Rushanka Amrutkar; Miguel Coto; Jiang He; Zijian Shi; Shahd Hayder; Dina Saad Fayez Jaber; Junchao Zuo; Mohammad Alsukour; Cécile Renaud; Matthew Chris;
    Acta Astronautica,
    2021. DOI:
    Keywords: ... Satellite swarms, Intelligent swarms, Heliophysics, Magnetosphere, Cubesats, Next generation space systems.

    Abstract: ... Earth’s magnetosphere is vital for today’s technologically dependent society. To date, numerous design studies have been conducted and over a dozen science missions have flown to study the magnetosphere. However, a majority of these solutions relied on large monolithic satellites, which limited the spatial resolution of these investigations, as did the technological limitations of the past. To counter these limitations, we propose the use of a satellite swarm carrying numerous and distributed payloads for magnetospheric measurements. Our mission is named APIS — Applications and Potentials of Intelligent Swarms. The APIS mission aims to characterize fundamental plasma processes in the Earth’s magnetosphere and measure the effect of the solar wind on our magnetosphere. We propose a swarm of 40 CubeSats in two highly-elliptical orbits around the Earth, which perform radio tomography in the magnetotail at 8–12 Earth Radii (RE) downstream, and the subsolar magnetosphere at 8–12 RE upstream. These maps will be made at both low-resolutions (at 0.5 RE, 5 s cadence) and high-resolutions (at 0.025 RE, 2 s cadence). In addition, in-situ measurements of the magnetic and electric fields, plasma density will be performed by on-board instruments. In this article, we present an outline of previous missions and designs for magnetospheric studies, along with the science drivers and motivation for the APIS mission. Furthermore, preliminary design results are included to show the feasibility of such a mission. The science requirements drive the APIS mission design, the mission operation and the system requirements. In addition to the various science payloads, critical subsystems of the satellites are investigated e.g., navigation, communication, processing and power systems. Our preliminary investigation on the mass, power and link budgets indicate that the mission could be realized using Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) technologies and with homogeneous CubeSats, each with a 12U form factor. We summarize our findings, along with the potential next steps to strengthen our design study.


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Last updated: 31 Dec 2022

Yanbin He