Improved Local Activation Time Annotation in Fractionated Atrial Electrograms of Atrial Mappings

Topic: Biomedical Signal Processing

MATLAB source code to reproduce the results in [1] by generating simulated atrial electrograms and implementing the proposed deconvolution approach to estimate local electrograms and LATs How to use it? in two steps: First simulate data by running "run_data_simulation.m". you can skip this part and use the simulated data in "data" folder to reproduce the images and results for tissue T4 in figure 2 of [1] Second run "run_transCurr_and_LAT_estimation.m" to implement deconvolution and LAT estimation,

[1] B. Abdi, R. C. Hendriks, A.-J. van der Veen, and N. M. de Groot, "Improved Local Activation Time Annotation in Fractionated Atrial Electrograms Using Improved local activation time annotation of fractionated atrial electrograms for atrial mapping",Computers in Biology and Medicine117, 2020.



Abdi, B., Hendriks, R. C., van der Veen, A. J., & de Groot, N. M. (2020). Improved local activation time annotation of fractionated atrial electrograms for atrial mapping. Computers in Biology and Medicine117, 103590. 

Related publications

  1. Improved local activation time annotation of fractionated atrial electrograms for atrial mapping
    Bahareh Abdi; Richard C. Hendriks; Alle-Jan van der Veen; Natasja M.S. de Groot;
    Computers in Biology and Medicine,
    Volume 117, February 2020. ISSN: 0010-4825. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103590

Repository data

Size: 4.6 MB
Modified: 20 February 2023
Type: software
Authors: Richard Hendriks, Natasja de Groot, Alle-Jan van der Veen, Bahareh Abdi
Date: February 2023
Contact: Richard Hendriks