Simulation of transmembrane potentials and corresponding electrograms

Topic: Biomedical Signal Processing

This function simulates transmembrane potentials (for a 90 x 90 grid) and corresponding electrograms (for a 5 x 5 electrode grid) for a piece of human atrial tissue, based on the monodomain and Courtemanche [1] models and a model for electrograms [2]. This function was programmed to generate the simulation data as used in [3]. When using this function, please refer to the references below for completeness.

 [1] M. Courtemanche, R. J. Ramirez, and S. Nattel, "Ionic mechanisms 
 underlying human atrial action potential properties: insights from a 
 mathematical model," Amer. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol., vol. 275, 
 no. 1, pp. H301 - H321, Jul. 1998.

 [2] N. Virag et al., "Study of atrial arrhythmias in a computer model no. 3, pp. 754 - 763, Sep. 2002.

 [3] J. W. de Vries, M. Sun, N. M. S. de Groot, and R. C. Hendriks, 
 "Estimation of cardiac fibre direction based on activation maps," in 
 2023 IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., Rhodes, Greece, 
 Jun. 2023.

Related publications

  1. Estimation of Cardiac Fibre Direction Based on Activation Maps
    J. W. de Vries; M. Sun; N. M. S. de Groot; R. C. Hendriks;
    In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),

Repository data

Size: 368 kB
Modified: 9 March 2023
Type: software
Authors: Jordi de Vries, Natasja de Groot, Richard Hendriks, Miao Sun
Date: March 2023
Contact: Richard Hendriks