EE4715 Array Processing


In array signal processing, we look at the information contained in the outputs of multiple sensors: antennas or microphones. Thus, we sample in space as well as in time. This allows us to estimate the direction of propagating waves, and to separate multiple sources coming from different directions. Prime examples are capacity increase using MIMO technology in wireless communication, image formation from radar, ultrasound or radio astronomy (i.e., wavefield imaging), sound field reconstruction and multi-microphone hearing aids.

In this course we discuss array processing techniques for signal separation and parameter estimation, using arrays of sensors. We start with wave propagation and derive the signal processing model for narrowband applications, followed by the wideband extension, and apply these to several applications: wireless communication, audio and speech processing, biomedical signal processing and radio astronomy.

The course consists of plenary lectures and two projects.

For study guide information (teaching goals, etc.), see Study guide.

Plenary Lectures

The plenary lectures cover the main subjects of the reading material (see the Program below), but do not aim at being all-encompassing. By following the plenary lectures, easier access is gained to the reading material, and a clearer insight is obtained as to why certain subjects are relevant and how they relate to other subjects already covered. An older version of this course can be accessed via: Signal Processing for Communications, where you can find old slides and videos. Note though that the content is not the same.


We will follow the course reader "Array signal processing" by A.J. van der Veen.

The reader serves as introduction to handout papers from the literature.


During the course, two projects are conducted. These projects are part of the final examination. The project work is carried out in groups of 2 students. As the project reports will be discussed during the evaluation, participation in the projects is compulsory to qualify for the course.

Project descriptions are found by clicking on the panel at the top right of this page.


The course is evaluated based on two individual oral discussions that will be scheduled at two different moments. To qualify for the oral examinations, the project reports documenting the projects must be handed in in advance. You are allowed to bring books and slides to the oral exam. During the oral examinations, your project report is used to discuss contents from the course. The final grade is the average grade on the two discussions.


Prepare your final report for each of the two projects per group of 2 students. Upload your report individually before the deadline given below.

  • Oral exams: sign up for a time slot when announced
  • Project reports: submit both reports before June 19th, 2024

To sign up for the oral exams: in Brightspace, go to the tab "Collaboration", choose "Groups" and then select "Project 1" or "Project 2", and sign up for a time slot for each of the discussions.

To submit your project reports: in Brightspace, go to the tab "Assignments".


The responsible teachers for this course are G.J.T. Leus (GL), Richard C. Hendriks (RCH) and A.J. van der Veen. (AJV)


The program for the study year 2023 - 2024 is as follows:

Content Literature Slides
1. 24/4/2024 GL Introduction. Wave propagation Ch. 1, 2 Introduction
Wave propagation
2. 26/4/2024 GL Narrowband data models Ch. 3 Narrowband
3. 1/5/2024 GL Wideband data models Ch. 4 Wideband
4. 3/5/2024 GL Linear algebra 1: Projections/inversion and Spatial processing techniques; Wiener filters Ch. 5, Ch. 6 Linear algebra, Spatial processing
5. 8/5/2024 GL Linear algebra 2: SVD, EVD. The ESPRIT algorithm Ch. 8 ESPRIT
6. 15/5/2024 AJV Kronecker products. Joint diagonalization Ch. 9 Joint
7. 17/5/2024  

Guest lecture on ultrasound, P. Kruizinga (Erasmus MC)

8. 22/5/2024 RCH Multi-microphone speech enhancement 1 overview paper multi-microphone multi-mic. 1
9. 24/5/2024 RCH Multi-microphone speech enhancement 2 multi-mic. 2
10. 29/5/2024 RCH Multi-microphone speech enhancement 3   multi-mic. 3
11. 31/5/2024 RCH/GB Multi-microphone: ATF estimation and CRLB CRB multi mic.
12. 5/6/2024 AJV Factor Analysis Ch. 10 Factor
13. 7/6/2024 RCH & JdV

Multi-microphone: Signal Processing-based models of binaural hearing in combination with beamforming.

Overview of graduation topics on part 2


Binaural beamforming

Overview of some example projects

14. 12/6/2024 GL/RCH

Q&A parts 1

Overview of graduation topics on part 1

19/6/2024 Deadline projects 1 and 2

More slides on selected topics in array processing are found here.