EE2T1 Telecommunication and Sensing
The aim of this course is for you to gain basic insight and understanding of modern telecommunication and sensing systems with a unique combination of physics and signals & systems theory. The course starts with the description of fundamental concepts in telecommunication and sensing including channel capacity, received signal power and noise, link budget, signal modulation and detection, and range-doppler profile. Baseband techniques and bandpass signals with analog and digital modulation methods are discussed in detail. The last part of this course provides an introduction to data communication networking aspects. The lectures are supported by practical numerical problems throughout the course as weekly homework exercises and in the instruction lectures, in order to make you skilled in solving system related problems supported by calculations.
The list of topics and distribution over the lectures is as follows:
- L1. Introduction: a general introduction on modern communication and sensing systems, OSI model, ideal communication and ranging systems, channel capacity (Shannon).
- L2-3. Wireless and guided links and noise: propagation of e.m. waves, antenna radiation pattern, polarization, received signal power in communication and sensing systems, thermal noise sources, antenna noise, system noise calculation and link budget evaluation
- L4. Properties of signals: review ideal/practical signals, dB relations, power spectral density, distortionless transmission and bandwidth definitions.
- L5. Signal sampling and PCM: Signal sampling, natural sampling, flat-top Pule Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation: digital encoding, Signal-to-Noise ratio for PCM.
- L6. Baseband signaling: description of digital information carrying waveforms, line codes and eye pattern, spectral efficiency, inter-symbol interference (ISI).
- L7. Bandpass signals and systems, distortionless transmission and group delay, bandpass sampling, superheterodyne and homodyne receivers. Analog modulation techniques: Amplitude Modulation (AM), Double Sideband - Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation.
- L8. Analog modulation techniques (continued). Phase Modulation (PM) and Frequency Modulation (FM). Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) after detection for analog modulation techniques. Envelope and product detector.
- L9. Digital modulation techniques: Binary techniques: OOK, BPSK, DPSK, FSK, Multilevel modulation: QPSK, MSK, QAM.
- L10. Optimum signal detection for communication and sensing. Optimal receiver, matched filter receiver, waveform ambiguity function.
- L11. Bit Error Probability framework, BER in baseband systems: NRZ unipolar, polar, bi-polar using a lowpass filter and matched filter.
- L12. BER for digital bandpass signals using a for coherent (matched-filter) demodulation and non-coherent detection: OOK, BPSK, FSK, DPSK, QPSK, MSK.
- L13. Fundamentals of sensing: ranging, doppler, range-doppler plane.
- L14-15 An introduction to the OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) layered model and discuss the OSI layers and their protocols.
Teachers Gerard Janssen
Physical layer communication; UWB; localization
M.A. Kitsak
prof.dr. Alexander Yarovoy (MS3)
microwave systems, radar
Last modified: 2024-09-04

Credits: | 5 EC |
Period: | 0/6/0/0 |
Contact: | Gerard Janssen |