
ME colloquium

Bridging Communications, Sensing and Graphs in Signal Processing

Geert Leus

Prof. Leus will provide an overview of key research topics within the Signal Processing Systems group, spanning communications, sensing, and graph signal processing. In the field of communications, The work on a specific modulation format for underwater acoustic communications will be discussed. This type of signal modulation has been independently developed by different research groups under various names, including V-OFDM, OSDM, and OTFS. Regarding sensing, He will present our coded cover designs to boost the performance of acoustic vector sensors, which can also be applied to other types of sensors and sensor arrays. Additionally, he will share our latest findings on optimal array and waveform design for co-located multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. Interestingly, these designs deviate from conventional notions of optimality. Finally, prof. Leus will introduce the field of graph signal processing, highlight our pioneering contributions, and outline potential directions for future research.

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Overview of Microelectronics Colloquium