
MSc SPS Thesis presentation

Distributed Affine Formation Control with Quadcopters

Shaan Hossain

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Microelectronics colloquium

Signal Processing for Intelligent Multi-Agent Swarms

Raj Thilak Rajan

Multi-agent swarms or mobile networked cyber-physical systems are increasingly adopted in various applications, to enable robust and efficient operations in diverse and challenging environments. One of the key features of these multi-agent systems is edge-based autonomy and intelligence. Signal processing modelling plays a pivotal role in enabling intelligent multi-agent swarms — such as drones, autonomous vehicles, satellites, and space rovers — to achieve precise positioning, efficient navigation, optimal calibration, robust control, and adaptive learning in both terrestrial and non-terrestrial applications.  Focusing on foundational Bayesian methods, we explore how sensor fusion and distributed optimisation empower agents to model complex behaviours, and enable them to make informed decisions in inaccessible and dynamic environments. In this talk, I aim to highlight key challenges and initial results from ongoing projects. I will also present the various interdisciplinary initiatives forged within TU Delft and beyond, that facilitate collaboration, validation and valorisation of signal processing across diverse multi-agent systems.  



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